
 At City Elevator our experience has shown the routine maintenance is the key to protecting an elevator system. As with any mechanical device, parts are subject to wear and deterioration over time. We have found that routine maintenance program involving a regularly scheduled service from an elevator technician, to  make minor adjustments and lubricate moving parts, is critical to maximizing the useful life and reliability of an elevator system. We offer our customers numerous program options depending on the specific needs.


Oil & Lubrication- The most basic plan includes routine examination and lubrication of equipment. Parts, service calls and safety test are excluded from the contract.

Partial Maintenance- The basic plan with an allowance added to cover a specific number of monthly repair hours and a specific monthly parts limit.

Full Maintenance- The most comprehensive plan includes all materials and labor to maintain the elevator system with exclusions for obsolescence and misuse. This plan is done under certain circumstances.

At City Elevator we pledge to tailor a maintenance plan to meet your requirements. Please call us to set up a meeting to review your elevator maintenance program

Please Contact Us for further information


Elevator Safety Test:

Elevators in Massachusetts are required to be tested on an annual basis. At City Elevator we ensure that testing is done on time and the proper paperwork is filed with the State in order to keep your safety certificates current and avoid any needless late fees. If you have violations that need to be abated and are not covered under a maintenance contract, please call us for a to correct the deficiencies.